Retiring comfortably to me includes the ability to travel. A lot.


You can easily decide if your future includes traveling all across the world, or if it's just simply retiring somewhere where the weather is perfect all year round. But, having those goals in mind now can help you achieve the financial security you'll need when it's time.

About Us

Herman has well over 30 years of  insurance and retirement-planning experience.

We are at the forefront of this quickly changing economy and we work closely with our clients because we are fully committed to meeting and exceeding expectations. We also believe in keeping our services affordable to our clients, we make sure to work around your budget.

We are proud that so many of our clients have repeatedly turned to us for guidance and assistance with their financial futures, and we work hard to earn their loyalty every day.

We're a group of over 50 active planners with various backgrounds of expertise. We're here to help all of our clients and their unique needs related to their retirement and financial help. No future is too big or too small for us, our goal is to simply help create a positive future for all of our clients. 

Here at Equity Retirement Solutions we understand that retirement planning for your future is scary and uncertain, especially in today's economy.  But, rest assured that in our hands we've helped clients with all types of backgrounds successfully and happily retire with their financial hopes and dreams met and, often exceeded. We want to help make that dream become a reality for you and your family too.

The most important thing is to define your goals

What Really Matters

ERSEquity Retirement Solutions

Relevant Reading


Herman Taylor, M.Ed  is dedicated to helping others be happy in their retirement.

Would you like a worry free future?

Wouldn't we all? Finally, you can have the future you want without the worry of what tomorrow is going to hold for you financially. ERS is dedicated to helping you achieve all of your future hopes and dreams with ease and comfort.